From the
Urban Dictionary:"Bent Edge =
Stoner ass fuck, fucks everything but rocks, drinks as long as it contains alcohol."
Hmm...I resemble that definition.
Don't look now, but no sooner than I post my previous rant about the stock market being crap and things lit up. Always
zigging when I'm
zaggin'...what's a guy to do? Just go with the flow, I guess, because given how every rally seems to eventually fail, one can't completely hop on the bandwagon. Looking out over the next several years, tho, I can see materially higher prices...
Speaking of that, and again pointing to a post I had made a little while back, my
timeframe for moving along is quickly approaching. The thing I am most looking forward to? Not having to talk with people and convince them to do the right thing because they're terrified. I can't blame them for being scared given the state of the economy and markets, but logic and reason fails to get through to some of these dolts.
Example of a conversation:
"Mr. Smith, I know things look bad out there and the market has been tanking, but do you need this money next year?"
Ok, this is for your retirement in 20 years or so, right?"
"All right then, lets use an analogy. Do you think your home will be valued at substantially more than it is right now?"
"Yeah, I would hope so. Probably."
Ok, so if someone thinks your home is worth less right now, and it were 30% underwater on the price, would you sell it because of that?"
"Of course not."
Ok, then why are you wanting to sell now?"
"Because it could go even lower. When things get better and they start going back up, I will get in and buy then."
"Well, things
could go lower in the near future; on that I agree with you. But to use another analogy, would you go to Best Buy looking for a big screen TV and say, 'I want to buy that, but it is only $1500...I'll wait until it goes back up to $2000 and then buy it'...So you want to pay retail instead of getting it while it is on sale?"
" I'm just going to sell what I have and wait for things to turn around."
{Exasperated} "
Ok, well, we'll just keep an eye on things and see how it goes."
Welcome to my world where fear is a more powerful emotion than greed, and those same folks will want to get in after the market has run up 40% from current levels. History is on my side, here...I could go into many stats about what the market does the following periods after periods like we have just gone through. But again, logic and reason won't overcome emotion.
It's gonna be a good day when I no longer have to depend on those investors to be able to buy a
hotdog at the local 7-11...
And did you see where HBO is apologizing for showing the sacred marriage ritual in the temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? Apparently it caused an uproar, but quite frankly, I don't get it. What's the big deal? It's not like you can't find that information anyway, and if it is so out of the norm, and you're scared of what people would think of it, wouldn't you change some of the things about it? Whatever...
Ahh, lets see if I have a funny for the day in my bag...
A man is sitting beside his girlfriend on the couch watching television. Feeling the rise in his jeans, he taps his girlfriend on the shoulder. She turns to him as he raises his eyebrows and says, "Let me get some of that!"
She replies, "Well, no, I have a
gynecologist appointment in the morning. I want to be fresh."
He turns away for a moment, then taps her on the shoulder again.
"Do you have dentist appointment tomorrow, too?"