Saturday, January 19, 2008

Freaks of the World

OMG - Is there any bigger celebrity freak than Tom Cruise? If you haven't seen the Scientology video with him as the star you must watch it. It's longer than most, but I guarantee you will walk away shaking your head.

What is amazing to me is how people can be drawn into cults like this. Look, I am a big believer in our freedoms to choose, and religion is one of those, but this stuff is just plain scary. Think of some poor believer with a mentally ill child that won't get treatment because these fucking morons think they have the answer.

Mormonism, while not as bad, is another cult. Sorry, when you believe some of the goofy things they do, you are an idiot. That is precisely why I'm against Romney in the GOP primaries. If this guy can actually believe the things espoused in the book of mormon and the teachings therein and in the D&C, than how weak-minded is he going to be to believe what some rogue foreign nation is telling him. e.g. Iran saying, "No, we're not training insurgents in Iraq!" Romney saying, "Well thanks for letting me know. We're good to go now!" Extreme in a sense, yes! But you get the point.

So next week I am off to Arizona for the week. I almost typed "fun in the sun" there, but alas, I will be working like a dog every day, so that doesn't really apply! I think about the only fun that will be had will be later in the evening at the hotel bar and having a cocktail or two. But hell, won't even be able to get a good buzz on, as I'll have to get up at like 6:00 each morning to get to the conference center again. Ugh.


Chuck said...

I agree with you on Cruise and the cults you've mentioned here. Mormons have some weird beliefs, but they sure can raise up some good singers!

Anonymous said...

Don't Mormons have several wives? I guess it's good for a husband, but imagine supporting all them women? Weird. To each his own. Katie Holmes is an alien, I'm sure of it. Wait til one of their kids get lukemia or something of the sort. They will believe in modern medicine ASAP.

Bent said...

Lol - The ole Tabernacle choir or whatever it is called, right?

Upset - Katie Holmes isn't even attractive - and yes, that is exactly right - they will become big believers in modern medicine as soon as something goes haywire. As for Mormons, totally screwed up are just a few in this article:

Anonymous said...

I don't really care about their views. I mean, they will let children go without medicines and vaccines until they are close to death. Weird. But it is so funny how quick they are to change their ideas for their own selfishness. Well, they don't change their ideals, they just incorporate them by bending or justifying their beliefs.

I almost started off on a rant and I don't want to do that on your blog. :) I'll stop now HHahehe.