Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It's just life

I apologize; life is kicking my ass, and at this point I am just trying to find a timeout.

Not to worry, all is fine - just that time is at a premium, and this kid doesn't have the $$$ to pay that gatekeeper. Capice?

When you're having dreams about work, and you go to sleep thinking about it, and wake up thinking about it, and the whole time all you want to do is just go hang and drink beers with buds, life becomes burdensome, no?

On the brighter side, I think my career is going well, and even brighter, others are wanting to 'reconnect' - and not the red-headed monster either...I want no part of that action. But rather, a person from my past who makes 2am bootie calls and gets a wild streak that gets me goin'.

Yeah, I can bitch, piss and whine - but all in all, I'm sure life has dealt a tougher hand than mine to others...


SCANjolina said...

yep, and I've living it!

good for you though. glad you've got a good friend with benefits.

BlazngScarlet said...

Nothing like a good FWB to help work out the knots and keep you on an even keel! :)

Bent said...

Keeping an even keel - now there is something I have NEVER been accused of ;-)

Bent said...
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JM said...

Heyyyyy, I didn't know you came back to blogspot! Welcome back and glad I found your page.

Anonymous said...

Dam, when is your next post gonna be. Hate to complain, I'm a bitch like that. C'mon. Where are you?

SingleAgain said...

Yeah I mean really where are you...you have all of is women wanting a piece of you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i stumbled upon my old blog last night and have been reading through the past... i have to tell you- i'm so glad that i reflect with love and warmness, mixed with sadness and regret- but not hate, t. not hate.

drink your drinks, fuck your past, dig in and work hard, but plz live happy.

Bent said...

Thanks Khaki - yes, I do occasionally make the rounds...

Upset Waitress - I would be sooo disappointed if you weren't a bitch like that. Hell, it's why you rock! ;-)

Single Again - Ahh, flattery will get you everywhere...now if I could only get Marcia Cross to feel that way about me...

Anon - There isn't hate...no need or want to do that gig. There has been some pain, anger, sadness, and regret from past events/relationships, but those were based on PAST events of feeling betrayed. When one gives their heart and soul, and trust, and in return gets kicked in the teeth...well, lets just say one learns the hard way, and that one would be me. So day by day, the pain and anger and sadness melts into the subconcious catalog, only accessed when someone or something in the event of a day causes the memory banks to dredge up something that, sadly, brings regret.

No worries - I WILL live happy.