Monday, December 1, 2008

Month 12 Arrives

I hope folks had a nice thanksgiving. Mine was ok, though I wasn't too pleased that all the other teams vying for the playoffs with my Cowboys managed to pull out their games yesterday. Everyone 'cept for the skins, anyway. We just need to beat Pitt this week.

December is here, which means Christmas is just around the corner. I have come to dislike this time of the season, as it means I will have to find a way to dole out gifts and cards to people. The only ones I really want to are my kids and close personal friends...the in-laws, family, and all others should just as soon forget who I am, cause I'm taking the hard line and not budging on sending stuff this yr...the kid doesn't have it.

The good thing is that this awful year is almost over. For that I can be grateful, even if 2009 doesn't prove to be much better. At least it holds hope, for 2008, it holds only broken pieces of ideas, dreams, and other things which I care not to comment on. To be fair, it does hold some good memories, but all in all, 2008 has sucked ass.


BlazngScarlet said...

Amen to that gorgeous!
The sooner we are rid of 2008, the happier I will be!

Tell everyone else to fuck off ... just take care of your kids.
That's all I do anymore.

Glad to see you darl ... :D

Trashman said...

@008 sucked diseased donkey ass.