Sunday, November 22, 2009


It would be difficult to believe for many of you just how screwed up my life is these days. By screwed up, I don't necessarily mean really bad, just so many weird frickin things that it's almost like a soap opera, only I'm living it.

- My best friend, who was getting a divorce, isn't now. Back with the guy who was fucking their marriage counselor, who continues to stalk them. Oh, and I'm involved in that mix...I won't go into it.

- Old relationship(s) - really fucked up. I can't elaborate too much more - it is what it is. Sometimes I want to just pull my hair out because of my, and their thoughts, on this shit. Convoluted, yes?

- Profession. Really fucked up. Have the vision...the ability, but nothing working these days. Should I fucking starve or continue to pursue?

There is a lot more shit, but suffice it to say, the Boys are playing and I must get back and watch. Just had this thought to post something...

I'm thinking a radical change is in order.

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