Friday, January 16, 2009

There we go

So how is everyone faring thus far in 2009?

So far for me, it is feeling like 2008 again, but only because the market stinks. The personal side is ok...

Business is down and I'm tired of trying to get people to call me back to do the right thing. As a friend says, fine then, die broke.

Hopefully, I won't be in this position for too much the end of February is the target date, and changes will need to be made...


BlazngScarlet said...

What sort of changes are you thinking of?

2009 so far has been much like 2008 ... only colder. lol
No ... I actually have some optimism, and I haven't had THAT in years!

Anonymous said...

2009 - The only difference I notice is the year change on those rare occasions I have to write a check.

Hope you meet your target date.

Trashman said...

Same shit different year.

Bent said...

Scarlet - oh, there will likely be some major changes...but don't want to jinx it...

Khaki - nice to see you, where you been hangin' out these days?

Trash - sure feels like it, huh?